Table of contents

National Team Competitions

Rules of the IPCC Club Competitions


  • Competition Structure
    1. For the purposes of these rules, the paragraphs of the IPCC Constitution shall also apply unless otherwise provided in the following paragraphs. This applies in particular to definitions of terms as well as rights and obligations.

    2. The three different national team tournaments (World Cup, Euro Cup and Confed Cup) and the Nations League will be held by the IPCC in every FIFA.

    3. Format of the tournaments: Groups Stage + Knockout Stage.

    4. Format of the Nations League: League System

    5. The number of participants varies and depends on the number of active national teams and collaborations with nationalities outside of Europe and the IPCC.

    6. The exact group sizes and the number of KO stages will be announced before each of the tournaments in the official discord.

    7. Tournaments are played on the ProLeague website (

    8. The organisation, registration and support will take place on the official National Team Discord (IPCC Nations PC).

    9. By registering in a team’s squad (being part of the roster in the intended discord channels), the rules herein and those of the IPCC Constitution are deemed to be accepted and agreed to.
  1. Every National team can take part in the World Cup, if it has registered and applied in time successfully.

  2. Every National Team from Europe can take part in the Euro Cup, if it has registered and applied in time successfully.

  3. The participants of the Confed Cup will be selected from the current and previous winners or runners-up from the other tournaments.
    1. The number of participants in the Confed Cup is fixed to eight (8).
    2. The number of participants from the IPCC depends on the number of teams from outside the IPCC.

  4. Registered and applied in time successfully for the purpose of this rules includes to be recognized as a National Team according to §7 of the IPCC Constitution.
  1. There will be a draw before the group stage and for each individual knockout-stage. The draw will be done randomized.

  2. Every draw will be streamed live on twitch with an announcement in discord.

  3. In the group stage draw, teams will be drawn from four (4) pots consisting of a specific number of teams announced before the tournament. With the exception of the previous champions (guaranteed position in POT 1), all teams will be placed in the pots according to the National Team Ranking.

  4. National Team Ranking
    1. National Team Ranking is based on previous competitions.

3.5 During the draw of the first KO-Stage, it is not possible to be matched with a team from the same group.

  1. Group Stage
    1. Each team will face each of their three (3) opponents drawn in their particular group.
    2. There is both a home and an away match against each opponent, which results into six (6) matches in total. Matches have to be played on the default matchdays, unless re-arranged by mutual agreement (compare §6.2 to §6.7).
    3. Each of the six (6) games is seen as a stand-alone game in which points can be scored. Each team receives: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
    4. Home right has the team which is named first (standing on the left) on the ProLeague website on the corresponding match day.
    5. The team that has collected the most points at the end of all group stage games will take the first place in the group table. The team that has scored the second most points takes second place, etc.
    6. In the case of even points, the team with the better goal difference is placed above in the table. If this value is also equal, the team with more goals scored will be placed higher. If no differentiation is possible after this, the winner of the direct duel will be placed higher.

  2. Knockout Stage:
    1. Home and Away matches are to be played in the knockout stages.
    2. The team that has scored more goals after both matches will advance to the next round.
    3. If the number of goals scored is level, a third match must be played.
    4. Home team of the third match is the team that was the home team in the first match. If the third match still ends without a winner, extra time or even penalties are necessary.
  1. The maximum number of players per squad/roster is twenty eight (28)

  2. Each team must designate one player as Captain (C) and at least one player as Assistant Manager (A) in the squad registration discord channel. Notice §14.2!

  3. Each squad/roster list must be properly entered on discord in the intended channels. 
    1. If a player has a slightly different Origin-ID on Discord and or Origin, the result will stay and the player AND the team captain will receive a warning at the first time and a suspension for one match at the following mistake . 
    2. If a player has a totally different Origin-ID on Discord and or Origin, the game he played in will be replayed and the specific player and the team captain will receive a one match suspension. 
    3. To clarify, wrong use of capital and small initial letters don’t matter, as long as it is the same ID. That also counts for missing team-tags.
    4. Changing the Origin ID of players during a tournament is allowed after contacting an administrator and an announcement in the intended discord channel.

  4. The minimum number of players to play a Euro Cup, World Cup, Confed Cup or Nations League match is Eight (8). 
    1. If opponents don’t mind, you can play with less players. To ensure this you should ask your opponent before the games start. A proof of this agreement is needed to not judge the games. 
    2. If your team doesn’t have enough players, and opponents don’t allow you to play with less players, it will be a default loss 0-2.

  5. Only players registered correctly within the squad/roster on Discord are eligible to play in the competition.
    1. Eligible on Discord means: to be entered in the squad list by your team leader before the end of transfer deadline (channel will be locked after the deadline ends).

  6. If an ineligible player (not registered in the squad by his manager or suspended due to rule violations) plays an official match, the match needs to be replayed unless the opponent wins or advances to the next round with the actual result.

  7. If it is determined that someone other than the owner is using the account (account sharing), the match will be judged 0-2.

  8. Transfer window is open between the end of the group stage and the beginning of the knockout stage. During the transfer window you can add\delete players in your ProLeague roster, but you must report the changes on Discord in the intended channel.

  9. If the squad/roster is still not submitted in time for your first fixture, your team receives a default loss of 0-2.

  10. It is not allowed to play for more than one National Team at the same time! If there is evidence of that, the opposite team receives a default win 2-0 and the specific player will be banned depending on the severity.

  11. It is not allowed to play for a National Team that does not match your nationality. 
    1. If there is evidence of that, the specific player is suspended at least for the running tournament. In very severe cases the ban can be much longer.
    2. If the majority of a team violates this rule, the team will be removed from the competition and the team captain is banned depending on the severity of the case. The IPCC Council will decide on this.
    3. The charge can be refuted and defended against by proof (passport, ID or similar document).

  12. The use of ANY is not allowed. If a team uses the ANY, it will lose the match by 0-2.

  13. Rematches are prefered in nearly every case!
  1. The calendar of events for each tournament will be created by the Admins, approved by the IPCC Council and published in the corresponding discord channels.

  2. Fixtures are set by default on Wednesdays.
    1. Default time for the first match is 20:30 GMT+1 (winter time) or 20:30 GMT+2 (summer time).
    2. Default time for the second match is 21:00 GMT+1 (winter time) or 21:00 GMT+2 (summer time).
    3. Default time on Wednesdays is only valid for European, African and Middle Asia teams. Teams from North and South America use 21:30 and 22:00 GMT-5.

  3. If the gap between the time zones is more than 3 hours, the default time of the first match will be set to 23:00 GMT+1 on Sundays (winter time) or 23:00 GMT+2 (summer time).

  4. Matches can be postponed until next Tuesday (1 week per matchday). Matches can’t be moved to an earlier date.

  5. The day and time can ONLY be changed if BOTH managers agree to the change and post it in the channel „match-agreements“ on the official discord AND confirm it using the ProLeague challenging function.

  6. If an agreement cannot be reached the match MUST be played on the default time.

  7. If a team FAILS to attend a default fixture or an agreement on an alternative date, within 15 minutes after the match time, the offending team receives a default 0-2 loss. 

  8. Due to the idea of fair play, not every second should be taken into account, especially if there have already been invitations or the game has been abandoned within the first 10 minutes of the match according to the rules (waiting for the 15 minutes to expire exactly, e.g. with an atomic clock, is not the aim of Rule §6.6.).
  1. Team manager is obligated to enter into ProLeague Page the results of the game and send in screenshots (according to the tutorial in §7.5). Goals, assists and cards need to be assigned to the BOT. 

  2. This process must be done by both teams and each must verify the results entered by the opponents.

  3. The maximum allowed time to confirm a result is 48 hours, then it will be considered automatically validated.

  4. The ingame player’s nickname / ALIAS / KnownAs (the one you set on the player’s profile ingame) must match the ORIGIN ID, so that screenshots could be a proof that the player was playing in a match. If it’s not possible to put it in 100%, put a distinctive shorter version of it in the ALIAS / Know As. (Example: Origin ID EQ-JonnyEsbeck could lead to ALIAS JonnyEsbeck)

  5. Match reports consist of result, a short game report AND screenshots.
    The screenshots need to consist of the following four (4) screenshots:
    1. “match info (overview)”, 
    2. “player performance”, and 
    3. “the “player-ID List”. 
    4. “line up – ingame captain screenshot”
    5. How to enter match results tutorial:
    6. It will be helpful to create the “Player-ID List” and the “line up – ingame captain screenshot” during the break. Make sure that every player that plays the match is visible on the screen.
  1. Any player that receives a red card will be able to play again after serving one (1) match ban. The suspensions always count for the first match in the upcoming matchweek. For example: If you receive a red card in the first game of the evening, you may still play in the second game against the opponent, but you are suspended in the first game of the following week.
  2. NO yellow card accumulation is applied in the tournaments.
  3. If a player gets a red card in the last match of group stage, he is suspended in the first KO-Stage match.
  1. It is allowed to leave the match early in case of any problems within the first 10 minutes of game time in order to solve issues (player drop-outs or connection problems).
    1. If a team leaves a match after the 10th minute it receives a default loss 0-2 or current score (it depends on what is better for the winning team).
    2. If a goal is scored before the 10th minute – it WILL be counted; even if it has been scored whilst one of the teams was leaving the match.
    3. If the team who scored the goal leaves the match. The goal won’t count.

  2. You will have 3 attempts to start the match. (To be clear, 3 complete invitations sent and received and you really enter the match!). If there is no agreement after two attempts, 3rd attempt must be tried and it has to be played regardless of squad or lag problems.

  3. After 2 attempts and in agreement with both teams, it may be possible to propose that the game be moved to another day. This will be ONLY possible if both sides accept the solution and that BOTH managers report this on the Discord channel and reschedule using the ProLeague challenge system. We suggest that the teams kick the ball out of the field prior to leaving the match if possible.
  1. If a team leaves the competition in the group stage, all opponents will be awarded default wins 2-0 , even those they already played against.

  2. If a team leaves the competition during the break between group and knockout stage, results of the group stay but the next team in the group gets the reward.

  3. If a team leaves the competition in the knockout stage, the opponent team will proceed in the bracket.

  4. If a team leaves during the competition this could lead to a ban for the team.
  1. Goalkeeper blocking is NOT ALLOWED, even if the game engine allows it. Any form of charging, moving and bugging the opposite goalkeeper on any type of free kick, goalkeeper kick or corner is prohibited.

  2. You MUST provide a recorded video as proof that there was an obvious charge on the goalkeeper.

  3. Any goals scored resulting of the keeper being blocked will be cancelled.
    1. Depending on the severity of the case a team may get the default loss 0-2 for the keeper blocking.

  4. The rules 11.1 to 11.3 also apply for the manipulation of the wall at free kicks and any other bug using (e.g tackle during set-pieces or shortening the distance to the ball at free kicks).
  1. The captains of the various teams will have to protect themselves and as a result, protect the entire community, checking the values of its players in tournament matches, in order to prevent possible coalitions of players that use cheats, exploits etc.

  2. The IPCC prohibits any modification except for:
    1. Graphic patch of the ProLeague: The official graphic patch of the ProLeague may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA’s playing behaviour.
    2. Graphic patch of the Italian League: The official graphic patch of the Italian League may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA’s playing behavior

  3. Any measure(s) used to glitch, hack or boost your Virtual Pro in National Team tournaments games is strictly forbidden and will result in your team receiving a 2-0 default loss. VP99 is considered a specific cheating issue: player found using VP99 will be banned for entire FIFA and the team will receive 2-0 default losses in all games he took part in. Depending on the specific case and the seriousness of the case, cheating in FIFA could lead to other suspensions like excluding teams or banning players. If a team got to the knockout stage and a user with a cheat was found after that, results of the knockout stage draw will not be overwritten, but the team will be disqualified from the tournament. Any points for the national team ranking that this club achieved will be annulated.

  4. „Body glitching“ is forbidden. A player who plays in an official match while using the body glitch will be banned for the next match week (home+away). 
    1. To proof the usage of “Body glitching” a protest needs to:
      • Provide a recording of the players player profile with the date and time (have fifa in windowed mode)
      • Provide a link to a video where the player in question is visibly playing the match against your team
    2. Normal sizes of a player : 
      • skinny body type = 45-68kg 
      • medium body type = 69-90kg 
      • large body type = 91-115kg
  1. For issues outside of the rules and regulations regarding clarification and / or amendment to rules, squads, fixtures or any other related question or issue regarding the competition you can contact Admin for support. The admins need to be contacted via Discord

  2. If the topic of the request is concerning the outcome of the game, the request must be made NO LATER than 48 hours after the conclusion of the match with an protest created in the „#protest“ Channel in the official Discord.

  3. Using default losses to gain advantage will be sanctioned.

  4. Rules can only change according to the §10 of the IPCC Constitution. Before each tournament there will be a voting period on the updated ruleset. The updated rule set includes ideas and proposals of the IPCC Admins, the IPCC Council or any other player if it was proposed in time. 
  1. Violations of the above rules will result in the following escalating penalty system. If a sanction is already included in the respective paragraph, the escalating penalty system applies additionally, unless the included sanction already describes the escalating penalty system.

  2. Violations of the rules that can only be triggered by teams count as captain’s violations. Captain in this case is the player who was named as captain at the squad registration. In case of ambiguity, the team concerned must name another actively playing person to be considered as the captain.

  3. Violations against §7.1 (not entering the matchreport) will result in the following consequences:
    1. KO-Stage:
      1. First time violation: warning
      2. Second time violation: suspension for the team captain
    2. Group Stage:
      1. First time violation: warning
      2. Second time violation: -1 Point in the table
      3. Third time violation: -1 Point in the table
  4. Punishments only escalate for the exact same violations. This means that a second or third violation must occur against the exact same paragraph to be considered a second or third violation. A violation against separate paragraphs e.g. §7.2 and §7.3 counts as one violation each.

  5. First time violations will lead to a warning.

  6. Second or more violations will lead to a one match suspension or a sanction according to the severity of the case. This includes the official IPCC Discords and official IPCC Streams or Social Media pages.

  7. Insulting, racism, fair play violations or harassment is strictly forbidden and will be judged specific to the case. 

  8. All warnings and suspension will be visible in the intended channels in the official discord.

  9. The admins reserve the right to react to violations not explained or contained in this ruleset with appropriate consequences.

Club Competitions

  1. For the purposes of these rules, the paragraphs of the IPCC Constitution shall also apply unless otherwise provided in the following paragraphs. This applies in particular to definitions of terms as well as rights and obligations.

  2. There are two different tournaments. The IPCC Champions League (CL)  and the IPCC Europa League (EL). 

  3. Champions League and Europa League have 32 slots.

  4. Format: Groups Stage + Knockout Stage.

  5. Group Stage: Eight (8) groups with four (4) teams per group.

  6. In each group, the 1st and 2nd of the group qualify directly to Ro16. Teams finished 3rd in the group stage of Champions League proceed to Europa League “in between rounds” to face teams that finished 2nd in the group stage of Europa League.

  7. The Knockout Stage includes: “in-between round”, Ro16, Quarter Final, Semi Final and Final.

  8. Tournaments are played on the ProLeague website (

  9. Organizational things are done on the official Discord (IPCC CL/EL

  10. By registering in a team’s squad (being part of the roster in the intended discord channels), the rules herein and those of the IPCC Constitution are deemed to be accepted and agreed to.
  1. The slot distribution consists of guaranteed slots and performance based slots.

  2. Guaranteed Slots
    1. Both, the defending CL and EL champion, will receive an CL slot that is independent of the respective community.
    2. Every European community that is part of the IPCC, will receive a specific amount of guaranteed slots.
    3. Communities that do not consist of a high percentage of teams of the specific region get a limited number of slots -> 2+2.
    4. Every community with more than 12 eligible teams, will receive 2+2 guaranteed slots.
    5. Every community with more than 10 eligible teams, will receive 1+2 guaranteed slots.
    6. Every community with more than 8 eligible teams, will receive 1+1 guaranteed slots.
    7. Every community with more than 6 eligible teams, will receive 1 guaranteed EL slot.
    8. The number of „Eligible Teams“ refers to the status at the end of the previous season.

  3. Community Ranking
    1. Depending on the number of guaranteed slots distributed via §2.2, the communities will be awarded additional CL and EL slots in a proportionate and fair way according to the Community Ranking.
    2. Community Ranking is used to determine the season’s overall performance of the leagues affiliated to IPCC in terms of international clubs competitions – Champions League and Europa League. The ranking depends on the average points of each community gained in the last two (2) seasons (Two-Season-Average-Coefficient). The community with the highest overall average is the #1 ranked community, followed by the community with the second highest overall and so on.
    3. Coefficient calculation
      – The coefficient for each season is calculated as a sum of all points obtained by community’s clubs dividing by the total number of clubs represented the community in that season for both Champions League and Europa League. However the points for Europa League results of the community will be multiplied by 0.75.
      – In the case if two communities have the same coefficient, the association with the higher coefficient in the most recent season is placed first.
    4. Points system
      Each team gets three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a draw and 0 points for losing.
      Clubs that reach the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, final or winning of the Champions League or Europa League, are awarded an additional points for reaching the stage: 0.5 points for reaching round of 16(qualifying from the group), 1 point for reaching quarter finals, 1.5 points for reaching semi-final and 2 points for reaching the final. The champion gets 2 more additional points.
      Points are not given for default wins of any kind, either walkover, violations of the rules or opponent being banned. Additional points for reaching the „in between“ stage are also not given.
  1. There will be a draw before the group stage and for each individual knockout-stage. The draw will be done randomized.

  2. Every draw will be streamed live on twitch with an announcement in discord.

  3. In the group stage draw, teams will be drawn from four (4) pots consisting of eight (8) teams each. With the exception of the current CL and EL winners(guaranteed position in POT 1), all teams will be seeded in the pots according to the Club Ranking.

  4. Club Ranking
    1. Club Ranking is based on the previous two (2) seasons points that the clubs achieved (§2.3.4).
    2. The club with the highest average of points in the last two (2) seasons will be ranked at position #1. The team with the second highest average will be ranked at position #2 and so on.
    3. If a team didn’t compete in one of the previous seasons their points will be also divided by 2.

  5. During the draw of the group stage, the round of 16 in CL and the in-between-round in EL, it is not possible to be matched with a team from the same community or group.
  1. Group Stage
    1. Each team will face each of their three (3) opponents drawn in their particular group.
    2. There is both a home and an away match against each opponent, which results into six (6) matches in total. Matches have to be played on the default matchdays, unless re-arranged by mutual agreement (compare §6.2 to §6.7).
    3. Each of the six (6) games is seen as a stand-alone game in which points can be scored. Each team receives: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
    4. Home right has the team which is named first (standing on the left) on the ProLeague website on the corresponding match day.
    5. The team that has collected the most points at the end of all group stage games will take the first place in the group table. The team that has scored the second most points takes second place, etc.
    6. In the case of even points, the team with the better goal difference is placed above in the table. If this value is also equal, the team with more goals scored will be placed higher. If no differentiation is possible after this, the winner of the direct duel will be placed higher.

  2. Knockout Stage:
    1. Home and Away matches are to be played in the knockout stages.
    2. The team that has scored more goals after both matches will advance to the next round.
    3. If the number of goals scored is level, a third match must be played. Home team of the third match is the team that was the home team in the first match.
    4. If the third match still ends without a winner, extra time or even penalties are necessary.
  1. The maximum number of players per squad/roster is twenty eight (28).

  2. Each squad/roster list must be properly entered on ProLeague Page and on discord in the intended channels.
    1. If a player has a slightly different Origin-ID on Discord, ProLeague Page and or Origin, the result will stay and the player AND the team captain will receive a warning at the first time and a suspension for one match at the following mistake.
    2. If the ID of a player matches the ID on the ProLeague Page, but not the ID on Discord, the captain will receive 1 match ban after a warning for the first mistake.
    3. If a player has a totally different Origin-ID on Discord, ProLeague Page and or Origin, the game he played in will be replayed and the specific player and the team captain will receive a one match suspension.
    4. To clarify, wrong use of capital and small initial letters don’t matter, as long as it is the same ID. That also counts for missing team-tags.

  3. The minimum number of players to play a CL / EL match is Seven (7). If the minimum number of 7 players cannot be obtained, the opposite team receives a default win 2-0.

  4. Only players registered correctly within the squad/roster on Discord and ProLeague Page are eligible to play in the competition.
    1. Eligible on ProLeague Page means: to be accepted in the squad by team manager and admin before the end of transfer deadline (visible with a green checkmark and the IPCC-Tag). Screenshots in your players profiles aren’t necessary.
    2. Eligible on Discord means: to be entered in the squad list by your team leader before the end of transfer deadline (channel will be locked after the deadline ends).

  5. If an ineligible player (e. g. not registered in the squad by his manager or suspended due to rule violations) plays an official match, the match needs to be replayed unless the opponent wins or advances to the next round with the actual result.

  6. If it is determined that someone other than the owner is using the account (account sharing), the match will be judged 0-2.

  7. Transfer window is open between the end of the group stage and the beginning of the knockout stage. During the transfer window you can add\delete players in your ProLeague roster, but you must report the changes on Discord.

  8. If the squad/roster is still not submitted in time for your first fixture, your team receives a default loss of 0-2.

  9. Second Account Rule:
    1. The IPCC will allow up to two accounts maximum.
      Primary account (first account)
      Secondary account
    2. The use of a second account is only possible with the approval of the local region owner and the IPCC admins.
    3. Modifying the accounts (allocating which one is the primary account) is only possible during the time after a season and before the start of a new season. This must be done with the approval of the local region owner and the IPCC Admins.
    4. These two accounts must be used in different communities / countries.
    5. Only the primary account has the right to play in the international competitions organized by the IPCC.
    6. It is necessary to highlight players with second accounts in the squad-registration.
    7. Playing an IPCC match with an unapproved or secondary account is strictly forbidden.  If there is evidence of that, the opposite team receives a default win 0-2 and the player will receive a ban. In very severe cases also the team captain will receive a sanction.

  10. The use of ANY is not allowed. If a team uses ANY, it will lose the match by 0-2.

  11. Rematches are prefered in nearly every case!
  1. The calendar of events for each tournament will be created by the Admins, approved by the IPCC Council and published in the corresponding discord channels.
  2. Fixtures are set as default to be played on a Thursday.

  3. Fixtures are played according to the following default time tables (it provides the time of the first game, a second match would be set to 30 min later):
    1. Winter Timetable
    2. Summer Timetable

    3. Spain, Portugal and Italy have different times to play due to „siesta“.
    4. Teams from Russia and Turkey need to play on GMT+3.
    5. International Mix Teams need to play on GMT+1.

  4. Matches can be postponed until the next wednesday (1 week per matchday). Matches can’t be moved to an earlier date.

  5. The day and time can ONLY be changed if BOTH managers agree to the change and post it in the channel „match-agreements“ on the official discord and confirm it using the ProLeague challenging function.

  6. If an agreement cannot be reached the match MUST be played on the default time.

  7. If a team FAILS to attend a default fixture or an agreement on an alternative date, within 15 minutes after the match time, the offending team receives a default 0-2 loss.

  8. Due to the idea of fair play, not every second should be taken into account, especially if there have already been invitations or the game has been abandoned within the first 10 minutes of the match according to the rules (waiting for the 15 minutes to expire exactly, e.g. with an atomic clock, is not the aim of Rule §6.6.).
  1. Team manager is obligated to enter into ProLeague Page results of the game including full match squad of his team, scorers and assists, red cards if available, pick Man of the Match from his team (not necessarily MOTM out of both teams) and send in screenshots (according to the tutorial in §7.5).

  2. This process must be done by both teams and each must verify the results entered by the opponents.

  3. The maximum allowed time to confirm a result is 48 hours, then it will be considered automatically validated.

  4. The ingame player’s nickname / ALIAS / KnownAs (the one you set on the player’s profile) must match the ORIGIN ID, so that screenshots could be proof that the player was playing in a match. If it’s not possible to put it in 100%, put a distinctive shorter version of it in the ALIAS / Know As. (Example: Origin ID EQ-JonnyEsbeck could lead to ALIAS JonnyEsbeck)

  5. Match reports consist of result, goals scored, goal scorers, assists, yellow and red cards, MVP, a short game report AND screenshots.
    The screenshots need to consist of the following four (4) screenshots:
    1. “match info (overview)”,
    2. “player performance”,
    3. “the “player-ID list”, and
    4. “line up – ingame captain screenshot”
    5. How to enter match results tutorial:
    6. It will be helpful to create the “Player-ID List” and the “line up – ingame captain screenshot” during the break. Make sure that every player that plays the match is visible on the screen.
  1. Any player that receives a red card will be able to play again after serving one (1) match ban. The suspensions always count for the first match in the upcoming matchweek. For example: If you receive a red card in the first game of the evening, you may still play in the second game against the opponent, but you are suspended in the first game of the following week.

  2. NO yellow card accumulation is applied in the tournament.

  3. If a player gets a red card in the last match of group stage, he is suspended in the first KO-Stage match.
  1. It is allowed to leave the match early in case of any problems within the first 10 minutes of game time in order to solve issues (player drop-outs or connection problems).
    1. If a team leaves a match after the 10th minute it receives a default loss 0-2 or current score (it depends on what is better for the winning team).
    2. If a goal is scored before the 10th minute – it WILL be counted; even if it has been scored whilst one of the teams was leaving the match.
    3. If the team who scored the goal leaves the match, the goal wouldn’t count.

  2. You will have 3 attempts to start the match. (To be clear, 3 complete invitations sent and received and you really enter the match!). If there is no agreement after two attempts, the 3rd attempt must be tried and it has to be played regardless of squad or lag problems.

  3. After 2 attempts and in agreement with both teams, it may be possible to propose that the game be moved to another day. This will be ONLY possible if both sides accept the solution and that BOTH managers report this on the Discord channel and reschedule using the ProLeague challenge system.

  4. We suggest that the teams kick the ball out of the field prior to leaving the match if possible.
  1. If a team leaves the competition before playing every opponent, every game will be judged against that team (0-2).

  2. In case a team disbands during the group stage after playing every opponent at least once, only the second half of the group stage will be defaulted against the team. The results from the first half of the group stage will remain.

  3. If a team leaves the competition during the break between group and knockout stage, results of the group stay but the next team in the group gets the reward.

  4. If a team leaves the competition in the knockout stage (including the in-between-round of europa league), the opponent team will proceed in the bracket.

  5. If a team leaves during the competition this could lead to a ban for the team.
  1. Goalkeeper blocking is NOT ALLOWED, even if the game engine allows it. Any form of charging, moving and bugging the opposite goalkeeper on any type of free kick, goalkeeper kick or corner is prohibited.

  2. You MUST provide a recorded video as proof that there was an obvious charge on the goalkeeper.

  3. Any goals scored resulting in the keeper being blocked will be canceled.
    1. Depending on the severity of the case, a team may get the default loss 0-2 for blocking the keeper.

  4. The rule 11.3 also applies for the manipulation of the wall at free kicks and any other bug using.
  1. The captains of the various teams will have to protect themselves, and as a result protect the entire community, by checking the values of their players in tournament matches, in order to prevent players from using cheats, exploits etc.

  2. The IPCC prohibits any modification except for:
    1. Graphic patch of the ProLeague: The official graphic patch of the ProLeague may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA’s playing behavior.
    2. Graphic patch of the Italian League: The official graphic patch of the Italian League may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA’s playing behavior.

  3. Any measure(s) used to glitch, hack or boost your Virtual Pro in CL/EL games is strictly forbidden and will result in your team receiving a 2-0 default loss. VP99 is considered a specific cheating issue: a player found using VP99 will be banned for the entire FIFA and the team will receive 0-2 default losses in all games he took part in. Depending on the specific case and the seriousness of the case, cheating in FIFA could lead to other suspensions like excluding teams or banning players. If a team got to the knockout stage and a user with a cheat was found after that, results of the knockout stage draw will not be overwritten, but the team will be disqualified from the tournament. Any points for the club and community ranking that this club achieved will be annulated.
  1. For issues outside of the rules and regulations regarding clarification and / or amendment to rules, squads, fixtures or any other related question or issue regarding the competition you can contact Admin for support. The admins need to be contacted via Discord.

  2. If the topic of the request is concerning the outcome of the game, the request must be made NO LATER than 48 hours after the conclusion of the match with an protest created in the „#protest“ Channel in the official Discord.

  3. Rules can only change according to the §10 of the IPCC Constitution. Before each tournament there will be a voting period on the updated ruleset. The updated rule set includes ideas and proposals of the IPCC Admins, the IPCC Council or any other player if it was proposed in time.
  1. Violations of the above rules will result in the following escalating penalty system. If a sanction is already included in the respective paragraph, the escalating penalty system applies additionally, unless the included sanction already describes the escalating penalty system.

  2. Violations of the rules that can only be triggered by teams count as captain’s violations. Captain in this case is the player who was named as captain at the squad registration or is listed as team captain on the ProLeague website. In case of ambiguity, the team concerned must name another actively playing person to be considered as the captain.

  3. Punishments only escalate for the exact same violations. This means that a second or third violation must occur against the exact same paragraph to be considered a second or third violation. A violation against separate paragraphs e.g. §7.2 and §7.3 counts as one violation each.

  4. First time violations will lead to a warning.

  5. Second time violations will lead to a one match suspension.

  6. Third time violations will lead to a longer running suspension according to the severity of the case.

  7. Insulting, racism, fair play violations or harassment is strictly forbidden and will be judged specific to the case.

  8. All warnings and suspension will be visible in the intended channels in the official discord.

  9. The admins reserve the right to react to violations not explained or contained in this ruleset with appropriate consequences.