

Originally created on 25th October 2020
Updated Version from the 24th April 2021

    1. This constitution defines the International Pro Clubs Community, called IPCC, and its components.

    2. The IPCC is led by the IPCC Admins and their Helpers. It is organized on the official IPCC Discord Server (Invitation only). 

    3. Changes to this constitution require in general the majority approval of the IPCC Council. Changes are only possible until a specific deadline announced in the IPCC Region Owner Discord Server (before the start of each season).

    4. The IPCC is an organization that connects pro club communities and hosts international tournaments with the aim of creating the best possible competitions for clubs and national teams on the PC.
  1. Admins in terms of this constitution are the leaders/owners of the IPCC. The task of the admins is to hold the meetings, provide ideas, organize the tournaments and the whole organizational things of the IPCC.

  2. If new admins are needed (e.g. if a former admin leaves or if extra admins needed), a job is advertised online and an interview is conducted. The IPCC Council decides on the appointment.

  3. There can only be one admin of the same nationality at a time, unless the IPCC Council wants to hire a specific person.
  1. Helpers in terms of this constitution are people that help the IPCC Admins with the organization of the tournaments. This includes tasks like matchday support, protest decision and checking of the results.

  2. Helpers are recruited by the admins if necessary, but need to be introduced to the IPCC Council in the general council meetings. The IPCC Council needs to confirm them.
  1. The Council in terms of this constitution is the group of the IPCC Admins and all Region Owners (representative of a community).

  2. The Council meets many times a year, especially before the start of each season. Meetings of the council are announced in the IPCC Discord Server.

  3. Every Admin, Helper and Region Owner is invited to take part in the meetings. There can be more than one (1) region owner per community.

  4. Every admin and every community (represented by Region Owner) has one voting right (one vote per community!).

  5. Decisions of the Council will be done in meetings or via vote on the IPCC Region Owner Discord Server in the specific channels. All votes last a predefined time or if possible will be decided in the meeting. 

  6. A clear majority of the votes is always needed. For this not everyone of the Council needs to vote every time to make a decision, but everytime the majority of the Council needs to have the chance to vote.

  7. In situations where the council can´t find a decision (e.g opinions are splitted into two sides, no compromise possible), IPCC Admins have the final decision power.
  1. A community in terms of the IPCC is defined as a league/community/organization which represents one nationality and consists of at least 6 teams, of which a clear majority stems from this nationality (clear majority of “Eligible Teams”). The league needs to take place regularly, have admins, rules and a website and facilitate competition. This definition refers to the current status at the start of each season (on deadline day).

  2. Leagues that do not fit the upper definition can also be part of the IPCC, but will have limitations. 
    1. This especially includes the International League and newly formed or small leagues.
    2. Those limitations lead to a fixed number of qualification slots for the club tournaments and force those communities to do playoffs if the leagues did not consist of a clear majority of teams that could be eligible for this community.
    3. The Playoffs are needed to determine the qualified teams out of their Eligible Teams. It is necessary to have playoffs, because these leagues do not consist mostly of Eligible Teams and the Non-Eligible Teams participating in these leagues influence the result of the league. 

  3. New communities that want to enter the IPCC need to be approved by the IPCC Council.

  4. There can only be one community from the same nation at the same time. If there is a new additional league in a nation already affiliated to the IPCC, the IPCC Council will decide on a possible accession or exchange of communities.

  5. New communities can join the IPCC each season. This rule does not affect completely new communities from unrepresented nations.
  1. A team in terms of the IPCC is every group of players that is active in any of the IPCC related communities.

  2. To qualify for the club competitions a team needs to be an „eligible team“ and needs to play in the community they want to represent. A team can only be eligible for one community.

  3. A team is an „Eligible Team“ for a community, if a high percentage of the players nationalities matches the nationality of the community.
    1. If a team is eligible for one community, it can’t change this status, unless their squad nearly entirely changes.
    2. Teams which have no high percentage of a nationality (Mixed Teams) can only qualify via the international league.
    3. Teams with a high percentage of nationalities without a matching community related to IPCC can only qualify via the international league.

  4. The International League is only a safeguard to include teams that have no national community or are „Mixed Teams“, inside the club tournaments, until there is the option to create a new nation related community.

  5. Every team is allowed to play where it wants to play. It is also possible to play in more than one (1) community at the same time.

  6. The eligibility of teams will be checked before each season start (specific deadline day) due to the “Eligible Teams List” (visible in the official IPCC Region Owner Discord Server). 
    1. Every Region Owner needs to hand in a list of teams the community wants to claim as eligible until the deadline.
    2. Every Region Owner has the right to put in a veto if he identifies a team from his region inside the “Eligible Team List” of another community.
    3. In Veto-Cases at first the affected Region Owners should find a solution. If this isn’t possible the IPCC Council will decide (except for those two Region Owners)
  1. A national team in terms of the IPCC is a group of players from a nationality that wants to represent this nation in international tournaments.

  2. A national team needs to consist of only players from the nation they represent. You have a specific nationality if you fulfill::
    1. Jus soli: Everyone who is born in the territory of a specific state gets citizenship / nationality.
    2. Jus sanguinis: “Right of blood” which means that you get the nationality of your parents.
    3. Reside / live in the specific state.

  3. The national team manager needs to prove his nationality via passport or ID-card.

  4. In suspicious cases, the IPCC Council decides if a player stems from a specific nationality. In this case players must also prove their origin with a passport or similar document.

  5. The players of the national teams don’t need to be actively playing in any of the IPCC related communities.

  6. There can only be one national team for the same nation at the same time.

  7. New National Teams can only be created with the approval of the Admins. 

  8. If a new National Team is created for a nation that already has an existing National Team, the IPCC Council decides in a case-by-case decision which one will be accepted.

  9. National Team Managers can be replaced if a high percentage of the represented nationality asks the IPCC for help or if they violate the IPCC Constitution or Rules in very severe cases.

  10. National Team Managers should be in contact with the respective Region Owners of their nationality.

  11. In case the requirements of §7.2 are fulfilled for several nations, the player has to choose one of the possible nations for each FIFA.
  1. The IPCC organizes the following club tournaments:
    1. The IPCC Champions League (CL)
    2. The IPCC Europa League (EL)
    3. The IPCC Super Cup (previous CL Winner vs. EL Winner)
    4. The IPCC Club World Cup (worldwide tournament for the CL and EL Winners versus teams from other continents)

  2. The IPCC organizes the following national team tournaments:
    1. The IPCC World Cup
    2. The IPCC Confed Cup
    3. The IPCC Europe Cup
    4. The IPCC Nations League

  3. All tournaments will be organized by the admins and their helpers according to the CL/EL Rules and National Team Rules. 

  4. Official announcements regarding the start, the course of events, squad registration and match report are reported in the corresponding discord servers.

  5. There will be three (3) seasons for each FIFA
    1. Season One: From October till February, including CL, EL, Super Cup and Nations League
    2. Season Two: From March till June, including CL, EL, Super Cup, World Cup and Europe Cup
    3. Season Three: From July till September, including CL, EL and Confed Cup

  6. The calendar of events will be created by the Admins, approved by the IPCC Council and published in the corresponding discord servers.

  7. A match week includes the home and away match (e.g. a match week can include more then one matchday)

  8. A matchday only refers to one specific match (e.g matchday 1, Team A vs. Team B, the home match) 
  1. All paragraphs of this document and the rules of the tournaments are provided and created by the IPCC. This means that the IPCC Admins have the right to create and maintain these documents with the help, ideas and proposals of  the IPCC council.

  2. Amendments to the paragraphs of this Constitution shall require a majority vote of the IPCC Council. Changes in the paragraphs of the tournament rules require a majority of the affected participants (clubs and national teams) and in fundamental decisions a majority of the IPCC Council.
    1. Fundamental decisions are for example changes in the slot distribution, competition structure or similar things.
    2. Members of the IPCC Council can request a vote in the Council in unclear situations.
    3. During an ongoing competition, the rules of that competition and the respective paragraphs of this constitution will not be changed unless a rule change is necessary to successfully run the tournament (e.g., adjustments to invite for Origin issues).
    4. If admins, helpers or region owners are directly affected in votes on penalties (e.g. due to club or nation affiliation), they are not allowed to participate in these.